Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Keep it up!

The blogs that I've been reading are looking so great! or should I say, so


Here are some things to think about in relation to Hedda...Why so mean? What are the pistols for? What does each character want? How will they get it? Is anyone innocent here?

Are there any redeemable qualities in Hedda?

Compare/contrast these characters with those of Bernarda Alba.

1 comment:

ShowTyme92 said...

Id think Hedda is mean! I think she's just a product of her enviroment. Growin up wit a father tht was a general cudn't hav bn that relaxed! I think that she was taught to b this way. I also think she is very unhappy bcuz if u think about it she is in a tough situation: pregnant, in a marriage that she doesn't want to be n. It I were her I wud probablii feel tha need to be a witch with a CAPITAL B, too.lolz
